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Computing Intent

Technology is everywhere and we understand that this provides the children of today with a wide variety of online experiences. It allows them to find out information quickly, be entertained and communicate with friends and family. We also believe that an understanding of computing is vital in preparing our children to thrive in an ever-changing world where technology continues to develop rapidly. That said, we also know that technology can pose a risk to children if they are not taught how to navigate content, identify security issues and understand the limitations of technology.

Computing at Cowbit St Mary’s Church of England Primary School intends to develop ‘thinkers of the future’ through a modern, ambitious and relevant education in computing. We want to equip pupils to use computational thinking and creativity that will enable them to become active participants in the digital world. It is important to us that the children understand how to use the ever-changing technology to express themselves, as tools for learning and as a means to drive their generation forward into the future.

Whilst ensuring they understand the advantages and disadvantages associated with online experiences, we want children to develop as respectful, responsible and confident users of technology, aware of measures that can be taken to keep themselves and others safe online.

We want children to leave our school understanding that there is always a choice with using technology and as a school, we utilise technology to model positive use. Technology helps develop strength and creativity within our pupils so that they can apply this knowledge across the curriculum. Our Computing curriculum allows children to develop skills and knowledge through computational thinking and digital literacy to enable them to become effective users of technology and prepare them for future educational settings and the wider world.

By utilising technology across a broad range of subject areas, we will create digitally literate pupils, who know how to use technology effectively and safely and how to protect their digital footprint. E-safety underpins our entire Computing curriculum and is threaded through regular Computing and PSHE lessons as well as through visitations and school awareness days. This allows us to ensure children become familiar with how to respectfully and responsibly use technology, understand acceptable and unacceptable behaviour online and how to report concerns.

For more information on online safety and how to stay safe online, please see our Online Safety section> For Pupils> Online Safety