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Our Uniform

We have a school uniform because it helps to give all children in school a sense of belonging to the school community. We also find that most parents prefer to have a uniform rather than be pressured into purchasing the latest “designer wear”. We expect children to be dressed neatly and tidily and we hope that all parents will support the wearing of our uniform and help their children to take pride in belonging to Cowbit St Mary's Church of England Primary School.

Whilst many parents choose to use uniform with the school logo, we are aware that cheaper uniform is available from supermarkets. The school does not insist that children wear uniform with a logo, and as long as parents choose matching school colours (Jade), uniform without a school logo is acceptable.  If you call the school office, we can advise you of the nearest supermarket that stocks our school colours.  

Our school uniform consists of:

❖ *Jade Sweatshirt or Cardigan

No hoodies or fleeces to be worn inside, please.

❖ *White  or Blue polo shirt 

❖ Charcoal grey skirt or pinafore dress

❖ Charcoal grey shorts or trousers

❖ Grey tights (but not on P.E. days)

❖ Black shoes. Not trainers or boots.

❖ Green gingham dress for Terms 5 and 6 only


P.E. Kit

❖ *White T-shirt (not polo shirt)

❖ Navy or black loose-fit shorts 

❖ Navy or black  jogging bottoms and hoodie

❖ Trainers or plimsolls with socks, not tights

All items marked * can be purchased embroidered with the school logo and are available to purchase directly from school or online.  Please check with the school office as we are currently in the process of moving to purchasing directly from our supplier. 

Health and safety: if a child has pierced ears, they should wear a plain studded earring, not a hoop or drop earring. Children with pierced ears must remove earrings before a P.E. lesson. If they cannot do this for themselves, a parent must do it before the start of the school day. No other piercings are allowed.

Bracelets and bangles are not allowed. A necklace may be worn for religious reasons only.

Remember to label all items of clothing and footwear with your child’s name. This way, if they lose anything, it can be given back to them. 

Second hand uniform

Friends of Cowbit St Mary's school run a uniform exchange each term and welcome donations of good quality uniform throughout the year. This can be donated at the front office and we shall pass it on to Friends of Cowbit school.

You can find information about uniform exchange on the 'Friends of Cowbit St Marys C of E Primary School' Facebook page or speak directly to Mrs Cornwell.  Please contact one of the organisers through the Facebook page to let them know if you would like to purchase any second hand uniform. 

All profits from the Uniform Exchange go to the Friends of Cowbit St Mary's Primary School.