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Our Curriculum

Curriculum Intent Statement

At Cowbit St Mary’s Church of England Primary School, our School Vision and Christian Values, together with our British Values, are intrinsically linked and underpin all that we do within school. Our curriculum is based around our vision and ethos and these are modelled each day across our whole school environment.

School Vision: “Growing together in learning, love and faith. 

Regardless of starting point and context, we believe that every child is unique and that our curriculum provides each learner with the opportunity to grow spiritually, morally, socially and culturally.  We aspire that every pupil will acquire the knowledge and cultural capital they need to become active and successful participants in today’s diverse society.  Our enquiry-led curriculum aims to opens eyes and minds to enable pupils to grow into caring and responsible members of the world with a clear sense of belonging.

Our vision of being a life-giving tree is the starting point of our learning and our curriculum has been carefully designed to ensure that pupils are given the opportunities and possibilities required of them to become self-motivated and successful learners, weaving knowledge together.  We want our children to flourish and develop their own aspirations, preparing them for the next phase of education and for life beyond.  

Our curriculum framework ensures the children experience a broad and knowledge rich curriculum, which is purposefully inter-linked and enriched with a wide range of opportunities and possibilities to embed learning in the long-term memory and ensure future progression.

Our curriculum is tailored to meet the needs of our children; taking into account the local context and any emerging issues.  Cowbit St Mary’s is committed to providing every child with a fully inclusive curriculum experience; we carefully plan our lessons to ensure that all pupils, regardless of need, can access our curriculum in full and experience success in doing so.


Curriculum Drivers

Opportunities and possibilities

We work to broaden our children’s horizons and expand their knowledge of the world through exposure to a wide range of life opportunities and possibilities. This is both from within our Curriculum and through a wide range of enhancement opportunities that include Outdoor Learning. We nurture their interests, encourage enterprise and instil fearlessness in accepting new challenges, resulting in belief that they can achieve anything that they set their mind to.


We are all part of God’s family, which means that we all belong together and value one another.  Our curriculum intends to educate children about their place in the world; develop an understanding of their place in society; within school, their local community, our country and the wider world. Through this, they will learn about inclusivity, diversity and equality of opportunity.


Our curriculum provides children with opportunities to explore the big questions in the world. We want our children to grow spiritually, morally, socially and emotionally during the time they spend at our school; to explore the awe and wonder of life and the universe.